
nandrolone phenylpropionate


nandrolone phenylpropionate

Antiestrogens can block the estrogenic effects of NPP, such as aromatase inhibitors like anastrozole and selective estrogen receptor modulators like tamoxifen and raloxifene. Finasteride and dutasteride are examples of 5-reductase inhibitors that might delay the inactivation of nandrolone in so-called “androgenic” tissues like the skin, hair follicles, and prostate gland, potentially intensifying the drug’s androgenic adverse effects. Contrary to most other , which are either not metabolized by 5′-reductase in such tissues or are potentiated by it in such tissues, this is not the case. Antiandrogens that prevent both NPP’s androgenic and anabolic effects include cyproterone acetate, spironolactone, and bicalutamide.

nandrolone phenylpropionate

buy Nandrolone phenylpropionate , also known as nandrolone phenpropionate, is an androgen and anabolic steroid  drug that has been used mostly in the treatment of breast cancer and osteoporosis in women. It is available under the brand names Durabolin and other names. Once a week, it is administered by injection into muscle.The medicine, despite being widely used in the past, has largely been discontinued and is therefore no longer publicly accessible.

Symptoms of masculinization, such as acne, increased hair growth, voice changes, and increased sexual drive, are side effects of NPP.The medication acts as an agonist of the androgen receptor , which is the biological target of androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is a synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid. It is especially acceptable for use in women and children due to its potent anabolic effects and modest androgenic effects, which provide it a low side effect profile. NPP is an ester of nandrolone that has a long half-life in the body.Nandrolone phynelpropionate 200mg x 10ml Online

nandrolone phenylpropionate

Nandrolone phynelpropionate 200mg x 10ml

NPP has mostly been used to treat postmenopausal or senile osteoporosis in women, as well as advanced breast cancer in women, as an adjuvant therapy. It has historically also been used for a range of other things. Because of its diminished androgenic effects, the medication has often only been utilized for anabolic purposes rather than androgen replacement therapy for males with androgen insufficiency. But more recently, nandrolone esters have been suggested as a treatment for androgen deficiency in men because of their positive characteristics, such as their high ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects and consequently much lower risk of prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, and scalp hair loss compared to testosterone.

nandrolone phenylpropionate

Nandrolone phynelpropionate 200mg x 10ml

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