
primobolan enanthate


primobolan enanthate

Methenolone enanthate, often known as PRIMO 150, is a highly adaptable moderately anabolic but very low androgenic steroid. In order to get a quicker and bigger impact, it is frequently combined with other (usually stronger) steroids. PRIMO 150 is appropriate for both cutting and bulking cycles; in both situations, it will hasten recovery and promote the development of lean and dense muscle mass.

primobolan enanthate


primobolan enanthate

Primobolan, also known as methenolonone enanthate, is primarily used to build and maintain lean muscle. This is an excellent option for a dry, and many athletes have used it successfully to maintain their muscles while following a low-calorie diet.

Primo’s ability to assist your body in retaining nitrogen at a remarkable pace is one of its primary purposes, which explains why it is so helpful for this use. More muscle will be added and maintained the better your nitrogen retention is.

This nitrogen retention will help you preserve muscles and make sure that your diet preferentially encourages fat loss to muscle loss in the case of the usage of Primo in bodybuilding pre-competition treatment.

primobolan enanthate

Primobolan Enanthate 150mg x 10ml 1


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